Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Future Quilter

This week is spring vacation for all the local children. I'd promised my small friend, HaiLee, to teach her how to quilt. She came over today for her first lesson. She is sewing together 5 inch squares from my overflowing "Nickels" collection. I marked a quarter inch sewing line on all the squares for her, showed her how to thread a needle, and encouraged her to try to make small stitches on the pencil line. She did pretty well and managed to get four squares together before she had to go home. I sent her off with a plastic pouch full of squares, a needle, a pair of scissors, thread, a needle threader and a mouse pincushion with a few pins in it. Her goal is to sew all the squares together before I get back from my road trip in a couple of weeks! We'll see how that goes!

While we were sewing (I was working on a Cathedral Windows project) HaiLee said, "I really like this room." As it is my sewing/playroom, I am fond of it too but I wondered what there was about it that HaiLee likes. So..I asked her. She said, "I like it because YOU'RE here!" Ahhh shucks! Who can resist that? ;-)

If she is still interested in learning to sew after playing with her Nickels and sewing kit, I think we'll try it with the sewing machine. One thing at a time, though...


Laura Jex said...

So sweet! Cameron has her new "Temple Purse" all pack to get on the airplane tomorrow. It has every thing a girl could need, princess slippers, her happy meal toy, and her Baby Beluga book and fruit snacks! She is ready to go!

Yvonne said...

Have a wonderful time!!! Give Cameron some hugs from me. :-)

Teresa said...

Ah, you are a nice neighbor and are having an impact on your little friends life. She also seems like a sweet child, judging from that cute face and her comment about your room.

Rhonda said...

Oh this is wonderful....a young new quilter! Good for her.