Monday, October 6, 2008

Happy Birthday, Jim!

Okay, so I'm a few days late with this, but it's been a busy weekend! We got home in time to celebrate our eldest son's birthday with him. HAPPY BIRTHDAY, JIM!!! Unfortunately, his sweet wife was working and couldn't be there too, but I sent home lots of leftovers with Jim for Sheena to enjoy later. That is only fair since everything I made was with her gluten-allergy in mind. Here is Jim, blowing out the candles on his (gluten-free) Cherry Dump Cake. He asked when he would be old enough not to have candles on his cake. HA! How about never? Out of courtesy to him and his ears, though, we didn't sing to him this time--but hahahahahaa the birthday card we gave him played MUSIC, which was almost as annoying!
Annoying our children, just another service we offer...kind of like posting silly photos of them on my blog, huh? LOVE YOU, JIM!!!! he he he


Sweet P said...

Happy birthday! Those are great photos of Jim.

sewnut said...

Birthdays and Birth Days... I am waiting for your news!