Thursday, April 30, 2009

Quilt Jamboree

The party's over...the mess is cleaned up...the last one to leave turned out the lights and shut the door...but WAIT! It isn't quite over yet! Carol from New Zealand is still sticking around to keep me company until May 11th. There are lots of other sights (and quilt shops) to see. She isn't awake yet, so I thought I'd work on getting my blog up to date.

Carol and Peter (from Australia) arrived on April 20th, a day after NZ Carol showed up. We'd met both of them two years ago at the QuiltPocket Jamboree in Connecticut. Tom and Peter got along so well, they were both hoarse by the end of the weekend! On Tuesday the 21st, we filled two cars and headed off to Northwest Trek. Yes, even I had to drive on the freeway to get there (I am not a freeway driver!) Both Carols bravely rode with me for moral support.

It was a beautiful day to be outside. NW Trek was a good choice for our first expedition. We took a tram ride around the park and spotted bison (even the new baby), reindeer, moose and mountain sheep (Carol said she had a hard time getting excited about sheep. Did you know there are more SHEEP than people in New Zealand?)

After the tram ride, we walked around the park on the trails and saw many more animals in their habitats. All species native to the Pacific Northwest. I think my favorite was the bear who obligingly took a bath while we watched!

Of course on the way home, we had to stop at a quilt shop...

1 comment:

Sweet P said...

Those are great photos and what a wonderful way to finish a weekend.