Monday, August 4, 2008

Another Quilt Top for Aurora

I need to show you something QUILTY for a change. Here is a quilt top, just finished, for Aurora, due to be born in 80 days! Tom thinks it is too yellow, but I had that cute little lamb fabric, which happens to have a yellow background. Oh well...I guess the next one will have to be PINK, to make him happy. Not that I mind making another quilt. Frieda, my sweet daughter-inlaw, has already told me not to worry about Aurora having too many quilts. One for every outfit would be fine with her! I don't think I'm going to go that far (although there ARE about 80 days left, what trouble can I get into in that amount of time?) So far, I have two unquilted quilts for her. Next step is to quilt them...


Joan said...

Love the quilt! Those little lambs are adorable, and I really like the pattern in the squares.
Plus, you still have time to make a pink quilt....

Yvonne said...

Thanks! And yes...must make a pink one...I've been digging through my fabric today and looking at patterns! ;-)

Anonymous said...

The quilt is so cute. Lucky Aurora!

Aileen said...

Oh, that is so cheerful!