Saturday, August 2, 2008

Angel Babies

Melanie's little girl, Summer, isn't doing well. The funeral for her twin, Brooke, has been postponed. It was supposed to be today.

I have angel babies. Born too soon, too small to survive. Two little girls and a little boy. Does the pain ever go away? No. But time does soften it. For us, it's been decades. We'd have a daughter 28, another 27 and a son 22 if things had gone the way we'd hoped.

I am extremely grateful for the children I have. They have been, and still are, a great comfort. All grown up now, of course, they are still willing (when they are around) to tolerate hugs from ol' Mom.

Here is a poem I found all those years ago that touched my heart.

To a Child Gone by Carol Lynn Pearson

I thought I was ahead of you in line.
You would take your turn
After I took mine.
Like we did before.

I guess you don't need new shoes
For starting heaven,
Or a light left on against the dark
The way I always did.
But I'm so used to parenting,
I wanted just to be there--
To do whatever needed to be done.

But you went first.
And now, my little one,
Suddenly you are my senior.
Morning, I know, will come.
But, bring closer your light--
This time it is I who fear the night.

I know families are forever and I'll see my angel babies again someday. There have been times when I have struggles and the thought of those children, already waiting for me, has given me the little added push I've needed. They've already crossed the finish line and are cheering me on, "Come on, Mom, you can do it!" Be a little stronger, endure a little longer, be the kind of person I know I need to be. Work a little harder at it! I want to be with them again someday. I want my babies back. Morning will come. Families are forever. I want my sweet husband and all our children...and their spouses...and their children...all together again. We don't lose our loved ones, just because death separates us temporarily. I guess I should insert here, if you are curious about my beliefs, you can check them out at There is more to life than the here and now. But sometimes, the here and now is really tough..and hurts so much, you think your heart really will break into pieces...

Hugs and prayers for Melanie and her family.


Joan said...

Thank you Yvonne, for this post. I love the poem, and am impressed with how you express yourself. Heaven seems a little closer with precious babies there. I too am grateful that families are forever.
Sending hugs to you as well as Mel's family.

Anonymous said...

The knowledge that we will see our departed loved ones again is God's promise... take heart... and embrasce your family with that hope.

Saddness, oh yes, we all know it well, life in these last days is very hard to deal with
Big HUG and focus on the possitive things in life.... your MN Cuz

Aileen said...

The one I lost was a miscarriage. He'd be 15. I say he because, as you know, we have them all figured out, all grown up and getting married long before we know what the sex will be. Prayers to Melanie's family.

Sorensen said...

That poem is really beautiful. It is hard to know what to say or how to comfort those that have lost something so special. All we can do is be there with them. said...

that poem was beautiful Yvonne...I have an angel baby...he would be 23 yrs old now, Sudden Infant Death or Crib Death is what he died of...he was premature but lived 3 months and am so grateful for the 3 months I did have with him...he was sooo, soooo beautiful!! Someone once told me (a long time ago) that death can not separate us from our loved ones who have died, because we carry them around forever in our heart. I know that to be true, because everyday of my life I think of him and pray to him, not for him, because I know he is in such a better place than I am in, but the grief has softened, the missing part has softened too, but I still carry him around, always, always, in my heart.
Sending hugs and prayers your way...from a kindred soul, Mary said...

angel babies...I hope I send my comment right...I can identify Hugs,Mary