Thursday, March 5, 2009

Quilt Jamboree

Here are my online quilt buddies at our last Jamboree, which was held in 2007, in Conneticut. It was wonderful to get to meet so many of them. In fact, it was SO wonderful and I had such a great time, I volunteered to the the hostess for our next gathering.

What was I thinking? Oh. Well, I was thinking if it is HERE, I won't miss it! It's been fun, arranging for a party of this size. Doorprizes, meals, excursions...fortunately, I'm not doing it all by myself--there is a Committee, but of course, I'm the only one of the Committee who is physically here. There have been a few bumps in the road as I've arranged things; the biggest being the downturn in the the economy. Two years ago there were a lot of the group--not just the ones who'd been at the 2007 Jamboree, who were determined to be at this one. However, what with one thing and another--mostly financial, the number of people able to come has dwindled alarmingly. Now it looks like we will be luck to get 20 people. Alas! But...I take what I can get and hanging out with 20..or 17..or however many of my quilt buddies who will be here, will be a treat. Carol from New Zealand, as well as Carol (and her husband, Peter) from Australia, will be staying at my house for a bit of extra time. Tom and Peter got along so well at the last Jamboree, that Tom was hoarse from talking too much!

Here are two more quilts for the Jennie Sherlock Memorial Quilt Challenge. Jennie is in the photo above, standing 4th from the left, in the red vest and black shirt. The blue, yellow and green quilt is from Lillian in the U.K. The tesselating leaf quilt is one of my UFOs (UnFinished Object) from a class I took from Jackie Robinson a few years ago at my quilt guild's annual Spring Quilt Break.

It is nice to have it finished. Both of these quilts will be going to women battling breast cancer here in my local area.

Only another month until Jamboree! The world is coming to my house to play. How cool is that?


sewnut said...

Yvonne, I am anxiously awaiting party time!

Anonymous said...

It looks very cool te me! And very exciting, too. It is really something to look forward to.