Monday, March 10, 2008

Spring Quilt Break

I just got back yesterday from a wonderful long weekend at my quilt guild's annual Spring Quilt Break. It started Thursday night with our get-acquainted social and show and tell. So good to see friends I only get to see once a year, like Karen who used to have the same last name I do (until she got married--her new name is nice too..but...) Then there's Julie from Oregon, Kathy from Fairbanks and Ardell from Palm Springs (formerly of Fairbanks)and..oh LOTS more! It's great!

Our national teachers this year were Marti Michell and Janet Fogg. If you are interested in learning more and coming next year (national teachers will be Zena Thorpe and Sally Schneider), go to the guild website at We also have talented local teachers. It's always hard to decide which classes to take and on Sunday's show and tell, when I see what the other classes did, I always think "I wish I'd done that!" and "I wish I'd been in THAT class!" OOh well, can't do it all...

This was the first time I've taken a three day workshop. It was "Innovative Traditions" with Janet. I had a wonderful time and learned so much, most importantly is how to make pieced curves. One of those life-changing quilty moments. Thanks, Janet! All of Janet's quilts are pieced. Here are some of them, from her lecture at our Friday luncheon. She is unbelievably talented! You've probably seen some of her quilts in quilt magazines, but trust don't do them justice. They are not only even better in person, but much larger than I thought. My friend, Alice and I, got to be the quilt holders--so we actually got to touch them and see them up close. Okay, mostly the back of the quilts, but we did peek around the front each time!

Aren't those wonderful? I think my favorite is the one with the bear. There were more, but I'm having trouble loading them all. On Sunday, Janet got out the quilts again, for a private up close look at them in our classroom. I'll show those later.
Meanwhile, here is Janet:

to be continued....

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