I've been thinking about my granddaughter, who will be born sometime in October---there is a sign I saw once, maybe it was needlepointed on a pillow, that went something like this: When a baby is born, so is a grandmother! Frieda asks us what we wanted to be called. Tom opted for Grandpa, which will work well since the Frieda's Dad has the title of Papa. I told her Grandma was fine with me. My mother goes by "Granny" and my grandmother had us call her "Nana." When I was about 10 years old, I asked my Nana why we didn't call her Grandma, which I had learned, was what all the other kids I knew called their grandmothers. She was originally from the Netherlands and told me that Nana was Dutch for Grandmother. Well, friends, it isn't! Try Oma! When I found that out, I asked her again, this time with the added question of "why didn't you tell me the truth?" She admitted then, that she didn't like the word "grandmother," because it made her feel old. Diplomatically, I didn't tell her that she WAS old! But I was left with the feeling that she was ashamed of being a grandmother and ashamed of us. "Nana" was her disguise so no one would know. My sister goes by "Nana" with her grandchildren, but for me, no thanks. I have the urge to shout "I'M GONNA BE A GRANDMA" from the roof top! Is there a t-shirt I can get with that on it? LOL
Fast forward a bizzillion years to now. When I put the label on the Sock Monkey quilt and signed it "from Grandma _____," my universe shifted. Grandma _____! That was my mother-inlaw. I loved my mother-inlaw. She died in 1999 and I still miss her terribly. She filled a hole in my life and we got along pretty well. I'll never forget the trip we took to Norway together, just the two of us! Good times, that's for sure. She was always willing to listen to my problems and offer advice (okay, sometimes even when I didn't ask!) But she was a good "Ma" and loved her sons, daughter-inlaws and grandchildren. I'd be doing well to fill her shoes. Being called Grandma brings her a bit closer to me now. Another thing we share. To me, she will always be the "original" Grandma ______, but I am more than happy to step forward and take on that title. Wow. GRANDMA!!!
A side note. Our eldest son, Jim, called my inlaws: Little Grandpa and Big Grandma. My mother-inlaw was on the "fluffy" side. My father-inlaw, though, wasn't particularly small, but I think maybe Jim mostly saw his Grandpa sitting down (he ran an insurance agency) while my Dad was always up and about, making him seem "bigger." My Dad, btw, liked being called Big Grandpa! However, my mother-inlaw was offended. Can't say as I blame her, particularly as this designation came from the grandson who, at age 3, innocently asked me in her hearing, "Mama, why does Grandma walk like a duck?" Ooops. My mother hadn't come up with "Granny" yet, so she was "Little Grandma." It's funny how children have a way of coming up with their own methods of telling one grandparent from another in a conversation, so I'm sure we'll get labels bestowed on us. I just hope mine isn't BIG Grandma! Time to hop on the treadmill and make sure I don't fill more than my mother-inlaw's shoes...
Watch out, World, Grandma ______ is here!