Sunday, July 27, 2008

Looking for some good news

It's been a rough month! Tom and I have both been battling a virus that combines all the worst parts of a cold and the flu, so we've been feeling pretty lousy. That doesn't help me maintain a cheerful outlook on life, that's for sure, but is it just my imagination or are a lot of awful things happening? Certainly among my friends, there is a lot of sadness and heartache. Add to that my mother, who last week was admitted into the hospital because they thought she'd had a stroke. She'd been walking around, mumbling incoherently. Disjointed sentences and an overall confusion. Fortunately, all the tests came back negative--no stroke, no brain tumor, nothing awful. The doctor suspects maybe she just forgot and took her medication more than once. My mother is 82 now, and has gotten more forgetful the last few years. But that was good news! Now my brother, who lives with our mom, is doling out the meds.
She is feeling much better now.

Other good news, well, of course, there's the whole Grandma-thing I've got going here. Less than THREE MONTHS now and Aurora will be born. Frieda will be a Mommy! Jeff will be a Daddy!!! That is pretty cool, all right.

One of our nephews is getting married in January. More good news!

My quilting studio has experienced a major overhaul and is at the point now where I was able to sew yesterday. I put borders on a baby quilt, then started Quilt #2 for Aurora. I think I really need some quilt-therapy...

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