Friday, July 4, 2008

Independence Day tradition

As usual, Tom has a big project he is working on over the holiday weekend. One memorable Thanksgiving involved him tearing out a wall and putting in a garden window in the livingroom...while I was making dinner and my brother was watching football on tv. Which was, btw, in the livingroom--with the gaping hole to the outside world! It didn't seem to bother my brother as he sat there, mesmerized by the football game. That man can definitely focus when it comes to watching sports on tv! Fortunately, the heat from the oven kept the house pleasantly warm, even with the November wind blowing in. Tom picks holiday weekends for major jobs like that one, because he has a few extra days off. For this holiday, he didn't have to go to work yesterday (the 3rd) as well as having today and tomorrow to work on his project. This time his project has something to do with his Toyota truck, so the house is at least quiet and undisturbed. Shh! He's out in the garage at the moment, drilling out a bolt or rubbing grease on himself or whatever it is he does out there! LOL

Meanwhile, as also per our tradition, we went to the 4th of July Breakfast at church. After the thunderstorms and deluge of rain we had yesterday and, with a forecast of showers for today, our breakfast was cooked outside, but the tables and chairs were inside. Tom, being diabetic, can't wait until 8 a.m. for breakfast, nor are pancakes (the traditional fare at the 4th of July breakfast) the best thing for him to be eating, so he took up a spot at one of the grills and helped to cook a multitude of pancakes for the crowd. I had a pancake, a few crunchy sausages (hmm...are they supposed to be black?) as well as a yummy cinnamon roll.

We left before the flag ceremony and parade. The parade involves the children decorating their bikes, trikes or wagons, and parading around. Here are a couple of my Sunbeams with their trikes decorated, waiting for parade time.

Neither Lucy nor Michael would smile for me...but Sadie, not on her new bike at the moment, gave me a big grin!

Here's little Jacob, getting ready to fuss, while his parents were playing one of the games.

All in all, it was a nice start to the day--without any showers to dampen the morning. Now for my fun, I'm heading back into my quilting studio. I was going to put borders on my Jennie Quilt, but got distracted with a quilt I'm making for Aurora (my GRANDDAUGHTER!!! 111 days..ohboyohboy!!!)

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