Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Arrival of Thing 1 and Thing 2

Check out Melanie's blog (link on the right of this page) for the whole story of her two wee babies, unexpectedly born on Monday. It's a roller coaster ride, that's for sure! Here is a photo of the happy Mom with Summer Marie (formerly known as Thing 1) Summer weighed in at 2 lbs. 15.5 oz.

Here is Brooke Ashley, born a minute after her sister. Birth weight: 2 lbs. 15 oz.

Of course I don't have the quilts I'm making for them ready yet! I thought I had another month or so. Alas...and at the moment, my quilting studio is undergoing an overhaul. Before I decided on the remodeling of that room, I did have one quilt top sewn together and the blocks for the 2nd one all finished. At least Brooke and Summer aren't needing the quilts yet. I'll get them finished before cold weather sets in! ;-)

1 comment:

Sweet P said...

What adorable babies! I'll send prayers for their health and continued growing.