Saturday, November 17, 2007

Cleaning up!

I tell myself that creative people are messy...that the mere act of creating something, like a quilt, means there will be stuff everywhere! I often "audition" a piece of fabric, only to toss it aside as not being quite right. Not taking the time to refold it and put it back where it belongs. Of course I could clean up after I finish a project, but what fun is that? There are so many ideas for quilts that are bouncing around in my head, it is difficult to stop long enough to clean up the rubble from the last quilt. However...when ignored, the mess grows until it isn't any fun to be in my quilting studio anymore. My fabric cupboard, for instance. Here is a photo with the doors open. Notice how nothing is falling out? True, some of the piles aren't terribly neat, but if you had seen it before--you would be impressed! Sorted by color for the most part, there are also boxes by theme, like "holiday" and "kid prints." I like the clear plastic boxes the fabric is in. I can see more easily what is there, although you can tell by the photo, I have a lot of green and was recently rummaging through that pile! The other photo is of my Juki98E and on a Grace Quilting frame. It is my favorite toy. Underneath are tubs of fabric, also sorted by color or category. I'm posting these photos to remind myself of how nice it is to have it organized and clean!
I know it won't stay this way for long....

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