Thursday, January 1, 2009

Hello 2009

Doesn't it figure? Just about the time I'm used to writing "2008" on my checks, it's time to start writing "2009." Where did the year go? It was a good one for our family, though, with the sweet addition of Aurora in October, so I'm not complaining, but it did seem to go by pretty fast.

Do you make New Year's Resolutions? This is the time of the year I always stop and think about what I want to change in my life. I set some goals and then remind myself of them for the next 12 months. Sometimes I actually accomplish them! But even if I don't, I have something to aim for and hey, I'm be glad to get closer to where I want to be, or whom I want to be. For several years, there has been the usual "lose weight," on the top of my list, but I've made progress with that one in 2008--finally. I topped out at one point at a whopping 180. (eek! That is as much as my husband weighs!) I've managed to lose over 30 lbs (gained a bit of it back--it's still a daily struggle to not over indulge in yummy things like chocolate! lol) But now at least I'm at a healthy weight. But what about this tummy-bulge? That has got to go, or at least get smaller! I think my stomach had forgotten it has muscles. This year, I'm going to remind it. That's on my list. Get rid of some of that belly fat! Pare down.

Which brings me to my fabric stash. Ahh yes, any quilters out there reading this know what I'm talking about. Boxes, bins, and piles of lovely fabric! Rainbows of colors that tempt us to buy them and bring them home. Do we really need to have it all? I may not have it all, but looking around my quilting studio, it looks pretty close. Like my physical shape, there is an unwanted bulge in my quilting life. The large Rubbermaid tubs under my HQ Sixteen can hardly keep their lids on. A huge drawer is stuffed so full of fabric, I'm afraid to open it for fear I won't be able to get it closed again.....and we won't even go into the shelves with the fat quarter bins! My goal for this new year, then, is to not buy any fabric. Period. No ifs, ands or buts. No fabric buying! What can I make with what I already have? Looking in there, I'd say I have the makings for an embarrassingly large number of quilts. One year might not be enough, but it is a start. Check back here on New Year's Day 2010 and we'll see what I've accomplished!


Joan said...

Great resolutions! But giving up fabric shopping? That's unreal!

Debra Dixon said...

I am giving up fabric buying too. I'll be making lots of quilts for homeless teens in my school district from the scraps that are piling up in my studio.

Good luck with your quilt goals!

Yvonne said...

Thanks, Debra! My resolve has already been tested---apparently a local craft store (that carries fabric) is going out of business, so the guild secretary sent out an all point's bulletin. Everything is 30% off! I told her she is an evil temptress... Ahh, with friends like that! LOL (I'm not going anywhere near the place, btw! I don't need more fabric!!!)