So Linda thinks I should play. The rules of the me-me are:
1. When tagged, place the name of the person and URL on your blog
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. Write 7 things about yourself
4. Name 7 of your favorite weblogs
5. Send an e-mail letting those bloggers know they have been tagged
All right, I'll give this a go. The biggest question is can I come up with SEVEN people who have blogs and are willing to do this? Stay tuned!
1. When I was 10 years old, I won a coloring contest. Anyone in the Pacific Northwest of a "certain age" will remember J.P. Patches and his tv show. Every month he had a coloring contest and gave away two bicycles: one for a boy, one for a girl. I won the March 1962 girl's bike. When the letter arrived, addressed to me, my mother opened it. I had just walked into the kitchen to hear her shriek of surprise as she read MY letter. She turned to my sister and told her--that was when I walked in to find out...third...that I'd won the bike. My sister taught me how to ride it by pointing me down a hill. LOL That was my big sis for you!
2. I grew up in Seattle, Washington, living right across the street from the elementary school. The land all around us had once been in the family, but by the time I came along, all that was left was our house, a lot full of trees, and my grandmother's house. I used to sing "over the river and through the woods to Grandmother's house I go" when I'd cut through the woods to visit her. By the time I got that much sung, I was almost to her backdoor. Good thing, because I don't think I knew much more of the song!
3. Met and married Tom while in college. He got drafted, joined the Air Force and we lived in Montana, Maryland, Nevada, Southern California, Ohio, Oregon and finally when he retired after 22 years, we moved back home to Washington state.
4. I love to read and like books on CD, which I mostly get from the library--but also get from A fun place to swap books! Books on tape or CD are great, because I can sew AND listen to a book at the same time. Multi-tasking. Very important in today's busy world. ;-)
5. Tom is my best friend. We've been married for 34 years and have been through both sunshine and rain together. My aunt Kay told me not to marry him, as we were both born in the same month and astrologically, that is bad! This from a woman who was married four times? I ignored her, of course.
6. On the subject of Tom, his favorite line to tell people is "I slept with my wife before we were married." Not such a shocker in this day and age, I suppose, but then he goes on to tell how we were born in the SAME hospital, two days apart. So...we must have been in the same room together, there in the hospital nursery and I'm sure we slept. Usually I just roll my eyes when he goes into this story. Or hit him. Either works.
7. One more! This is harder than I thought it would be. I guess it is because I am boring without much to tell. Does that count? LOL Okay, well, in case it doesn' favorite color is blue. There! DONE!!!
Favorite weblogs and people I am tagging: (btw, I don't know how to link the site to the name--hey! I am new to blogland!)
1. LIZ
2. Dorothy
3. Meloney
4. Kathy
5. Mindy
Oops! I can't come up with SEVEN people I know, not already tagged by either Paula or Linda. Guess this will have to do it.
I tried...sigh...