Thursday, February 28, 2008


Here is a recent photo of my eldest daughter. When Liz came into the world, she looked around, then let out a holler! Red faced, and tiny, arms and legs waving in the air----I thought she was adorable and the most wonderful baby girl ever. Well, she isn't tiny or red faced anymore, but she is STILL, from this mother's viewpoint, adorable and wonderful! I could never have imagined, though, looking at that tiny baby, the person Liz would evolve into. She is a remarkable woman and one of my personal heroes. To read more about Liz and her adventures, click on the "Liz" link in my list of blogs. You too will be amazed! Ahh...that's my girl!


MJ said...

She IS wicked awesome!

Yvonne said...

Yup. Totally awesome! Hey, thanks for stopping by. How's the munchkin doing?