Thursday, February 28, 2008

The Exercise Room

We have an "exercise" room. It contains a treadmill, an exercise bike, and a futon--for company to sleep on and for us to collapse on, should we ever actually USE the exercise equipment! Recently I decided to recommit to using the treadmill at least 5 days a week. I've been doing pretty well at it, but Tom...well...he uses it whenever his blood sugar is high. It is harder for him, being off at work all day whereas I actually have the time, being here at home, to do it. Theoretically, anyway. It's amazing how many things get in the way of exercising! Like quilting or playing on the computer or..well, you name it, I probably have used it as an excuse! To encourage treadmill useage, Tom figured a tv would help. He went out and bought one, but it ended up being a bigger one than we'd planned (yes, I was encouraging him with this!) Here is a photo:

I think it is a bit too big and a bit too close for comfort, but Tom likes it and that, my friends, is what is important here! Meanwhile, since he installed it, I have been watching the morning news from the treadmill and I think maybe I like it too! If I exercise first thing in the morning, even before breakfast, I get it done and out of the way. The goal of 10,000 steps isn't hanging over my head, making me feel guilty when I fall short. 30 minutes on the treadmill and my regular running here and there day, and I usually go over 10,000 steps! I think between that and trying to keep chocolate out of the house, I might actually get somewhere with my "get in shape" goal. (chocolate: it calls to me and I can't help myself, I have to devour it! LOL)

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