Sunday, May 25, 2008


Liz had five days of refresher classes to take in Anchorage, so we stayed with her there--in a room on the 12th floor of the Captain Cook hotel. What a view! Snowy mountains in the not-so-distant horizon and the water off to the left. A fancy hotel, complete with a doorman in a top hat and tail. The only problem was the room only had two twin beds. Liz in one, and Tom and I squished in the other. We pushed our bed up against the wall so at least I didn't fall out, but here I am...squished again! Our first day there, Tom and I went out to do laundry and get groceries.

We stopped at the Quilt Tree on the way back and found out there is another quilt shop just down the street from our hotel. What could be better?

Our favorite place for lunch while we were in Anchorage, was a reindeer hotdog stand outside the Federal Building. There were other hotdog stands, but this guy had a lot of personality and was fun to listen to. His dog, a well behaved German Shepherd, spent the day snoozing in the truck, parked at the curb. Quite often his head was resting on the window of the truck, looking pitifully out at the people passing by.

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