Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Boston, continued...

Having gone to bed so early the day I arrived, we were awake early! 4 a.m., in fact! No matter, church wasn't until 3 pm., so we had plenty of time to pack and organize. I know, I know...Sunday is a day of rest, but with the movers coming soon, there was limited time to do everything and we were feeling the pressure. I helped out by doing a laundry, then we sorted through Liz's bins in the basement. I had no idea that the tendency to be a packrat was hereditary! Liz has lots of stuff, that's for sure. I'd like to say Liz gets this from her father, but any of you who have seen my quilting room would disagree...

This is a photo of the old Marine barracks where Liz lived.

On Monday the movers came for a pre-inspection. We had one week after that to get everything sorted. The major bulk of Liz's belongings went into storage, while she filled her truck with whatever she thinks she'll need for the next few months in Alaska.

Liz was working nights, so everyday while she slept, I went out to explore Boston! I'd seen it all before, the last time I visited, but knowing this would probably be the last time I got to see the city, I wanted to see it all again! Liz's abode was in the Charlestown Navy Yard, right across from the battleship, Cassin Young, and the U.S.S. Constitution (Old Ironsides) My first "real" day there, Monday, Old Ironsides was closed, so I toured the battleship. They were playing 40's music over the loudspeaker; very period appropriate.

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