Saturday, May 24, 2008

Heading to Alaska

Squishing me in the back seat of Liz's truck, we loaded up and headed north to Alaska. Tom was driving this time, finally getting a bit of a holiday after two weeks home alone. Liz was glad to have someone else driving, which left her free to read as we traveled. Here she is, ready to go, with some of her plants on her lap.

Our first stop was Williams Lake, BC., where one of my quilting friends, Carla McIvor, used to live. Is Carla still there? Her husband, Trevor? Lovely people, but you know how it is...sometimes you loose track of people. Sadly, I lost track of Carla.
Tom remembered where the Chuck's Auto Parts store is, and it was a good thing as the truck wasn't behaving properly. He replaced spark plugs and did some other puttering. I wandered into the meat store next door and bought a pound of the most delicious pepperoni ever! They make it right there but only sell it locally because it doesn't have all the fillers that regular pepperoni has. Mmmmm.

Then it was back in the truck and off we went! My accomodations aren't the best, but it was worth a bit of discomfort to make this trip. I had to sit sideways, wedged in the backseat with a pillow at my back and a cushion to sit on. There wasn't much "cush" in that cushion, but enough so my backside wasn't entirely on it's own. Very little room back there, as I shared the space with one of Liz's plants, her bagpipes, scriptures, CD cases, 1st Aid Kit and a bag of food! YIKES!

But the view from my wee window is interesting. Canadian wildlife! Bears and deers so far.

We stayed in Fort Nelson, a long day, with a drive of about 500 miles.

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