Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Hot Water Saga continued

This morning while Tom was getting ready for work, he ventured into the closet to check out the condition of the hot water tank. Last night he declared he'd fixed it, but he just wanted to make sure it was still all right. Now let me pause here a moment to set the scene. We get up at 4:30 a.m., way too early for me, so I'm mostly non-functional while he is puttering around, getting dressed, having breakfast. All those Tom-things. He is definitely a morning person. I think I'm more a mid-afternoon person, myself. But being a good wifey, I do pack him a lunch, then I sit at the computer with my email, trying to wake up. It is much too early for my stomach to be wanting breakfast. I was just heading to my computer, when I heard a yelp and Tom galloped past me, shouting "THERE'S A LEAK AND I HAVE NO TOOLS!" I got out of the way quickly, rather than getting trampled by the wild eyed maniac dashing through the kitchen. He found his tools, fixed the problem and only got slightly damp in the process. He headed off to work, assuring me that now all really is well. He's still going to have to replace the hot water tank before too long and I think he is rather looking forward to it. At least the part where he uses his Saws-All to make a big hole in the wall. A loud tool that cuts through walls! What could be more fun, hmm?

This morning I've been able to have a hot laundry...and run the dishwasher. No geysers from the closet yet!

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